This is a standard post format with preview picture
Standard Post Format: an image that is chosen in the “Featured Image” metabox can be optionally displayed in the post header as preview picture.
Continue ReadingStandard Post Format: an image that is chosen in the “Featured Image” metabox can be optionally displayed in the post header as preview picture.
Continue ReadingThis is a post of “image” format. The first image tag found in the post content is considered the image to be displayed in the post header.
Continue ReadingAnother simple text post without media in post header.
Continue ReadingWordPress comes with a built-in visual post editor which is nice, but there are certain things that it can not do. Creating tables is one of them. Tables are an important tool to sort and present data in an appropriate format. In this article, we will show you how to add tables in WordPress posts and pages – and you don’t need to know any HTML or CSS to do this.
Continue ReadingLobortis fringilla tortor placerat aculla ornare neque sit amet magna volutpat cursus sit amet sollicitudin massa. Sed a sapien ac odio fringilla accumsan blandit dapibus fermentum, vivamus sollicitudin metus ut massa pretium vel gravida arcu cursus. Aliquam lectus ligula, fringilla […]
Continue ReadingA link to another site. The first <a href="">
tag or first URL in the post content is used as the external link (and possibly the title – post_title) for that post.
Vivamus sapien nibh, aliquam vel condimentum at, convallis ac nulla. In nec quam sit amet erat iaculis cursus. Morbi porta, urna at euismod placerat, nibh mauris tincidunt erat, quis lobortis leo augue ac erat. Duis nec purus laoreet, ornare magna sit amet, vehicula lectus. Nullam laoreet turpis ac ornare tincidunt. Sed sed malesuada est, eget sollicitudin purus.